Ogopogo Rotary is proud to have an International Committee that has successfully applied and won a District grant almost every year. As a founding member of the Wine Country Cluster of Rotary Clubs, we have been able to power up our fundraising dollars, doubling and - at times - even tripling their value. 

Members have not only contributed financially, but have also visited these projects in person to verify their claims and ensure their sustainability.

Chispa Project

Chispa Project works to create school libraries and spark a passion for learning that will grow and be nurtured through a community driven approach. Since 2016, over 65,000 books have been delivered to more than 100 schools and organizations.
Ogopogo Rotary has sponsored 6 school libraries to date, as well as having a group of volunteers work in person in Honduras to assemble a school library.
About Chispa.

El Salvador TOILETON

TOILETON was aimed to provide students, in three public schools in El Salvador, appropriate toilets and sinks for each gender as well as an appropriate solid waste management system. Additionally, the project provided training on WASH-related topics to teachers, students, and members of the community. 1,388 students and 49 teachers and administrative staff (more than 50% women) were directly benefited.

Amarok Society

“Teach a mother to teach the world” is the slogan for this society, who educate women to teach children. They teach each woman how to conduct her own micro-school at home, for 5 neighbourhood children.
Learn more about Amarok Society here.

H.E.L.P. Honduras

By supporting students in Honduras at all educational levels, Help Honduras ensures that continuous education is available to students whose financial situation would otherwise prevent them from going to school. Our Club has sponsored students, provided funds for programming and parent workshops, and purchased equipment. 
More about H.E.L.P. Honduras, here.